XXIII Neuroimage Meeting, 2021
Friday, October 8th | |
9:10 | Welcome Reception |
9:30 | Marco Palombo Ph.D.: Gray matter microstructure imaging with diffusion MR and computational modeling |
10:30 | Coffe Break |
10:45 | Danielle S. Bassett Ph. D.: Understanding cognitive control as a network process |
11:45 | Coffe Break |
12:00 | Erick Canales Ph.D.: Quantifying brain microstructure with multi-component T2 relaxometry |
13:00 | Coffe Break |
13:15 | Dr. Abraham Jotssel Cisneros-Mejorado, Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM. Desmielinización-remielinización del pedúnculo cerebeloso inferior de rata evaluado con resonancia magnética |
13:45 | Dra. María Guadalupe García-Gomar., Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School. Brainstem structural connectivity changes in isolated REM sleep behavior disorder by 7 Tesla MRI |
14:15 | Lunch time, virtually together, bring it to: https://www.kumospace.com/ni_2021 |
15:00 | Oral Presentations. Contributed talks 1, 2, and 3. |
16:00 | Poster Session |
17:00 | Coffe Break |
17:10 | Oral Presentations. Contributed talks 4, 5, and 6. |
18:10 | Closing and informal chat at hhttps://www.kumospace.com/ni_2021 |